Crime Reports 83% open

Austin, TX

What data is expected?

Open crime data helps communities make informed judgements about public safety, as well as providing transparency into how local police power is being exercised. For U.S. City Open Data Census purposes, crime report data should include at a minimum the following elements: date, time, location, incident type, and narrative information — best would be exact date, location, and type of crime, but per day per street or postal/zip code are acceptable for Census purposes. (More info)

  • Date and time
  • Location (may be coordinates or addresses; addresses may be at the block level, such as “5XX Main Street”)
  • Incident type
  • Narrative information

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes
Available in bulk Yes
Up-to-date No
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge Yes
In an open format CSV, RDF, TSV, XLS, XML
findable 4
findable_steps 1. Went to the Austin open data portal. 2. Searched by Public Safety
Collected by government Yes
usability 3
collector_name Austin Police Department
characteristics Date and time, Location (may be coordinates or addresses; addresses may be at the block level, such as “5XX Main Street”), Incident type, Narrative information
location - This dataset contains a record of incidents that the Austin Police Department responded to and wrote a report. Please note one incident may have several offenses associated with it, but this dataset only depicts the highest level offense of that incident. Data is from 2003 to present. This dataset is updated weekly. Understanding the following conditions will allow you to get the most out of the data provided. Due to the methodological differences in data collection, different data sources may produce different results. This database is updated weekly, and a similar or same search done on different dates can produce different results. Comparisons should not be made between numbers generated with this database to any other official police reports. Data provided represents only calls for police service where a report was written. Totals in the database may vary considerably from official totals following investigation and final categorization. Therefore, the data should not be used for comparisons with Uniform Crime Report statistics. The Austin Police Department does not assume any liability for any decision made or action taken or not taken by the recipient in reliance upon any information or data provided. Pursuant to section 552.301 (c) of the Government Code, the City of Austin has designated certain addresses to receive requests for public information sent by electronic mail. For requests seeking public records held by the Austin Police Department, please submit by utilizing the following link:

Meta data

Data location - This dataset contains a record of incidents that the Austin Police Department responded to and wrote a report. Please note one incident may have several offenses associated with it, but this dataset only depicts the highest level offense of that incident. Data is from 2003 to present. This dataset is updated weekly. Understanding the following conditions will allow you to get the most out of the data provided. Due to the methodological differences in data collection, different data sources may produce different results. This database is updated weekly, and a similar or same search done on different dates can produce different results. Comparisons should not be made between numbers generated with this database to any other official police reports. Data provided represents only calls for police service where a report was written. Totals in the database may vary considerably from official totals following investigation and final categorization. Therefore, the data should not be used for comparisons with Uniform Crime Report statistics. The Austin Police Department does not assume any liability for any decision made or action taken or not taken by the recipient in reliance upon any information or data provided. Pursuant to section 552.301 (c) of the Government Code, the City of Austin has designated certain addresses to receive requests for public information sent by electronic mail. For requests seeking public records held by the Austin Police Department, please submit by utilizing the following link:
Data licence
Data format   CSV, RDF, TSV, XLS, XML
Reviewer   Akhil Rao
Submitters   Akhil Rao
Last modified   Sat Apr 13 2019 15:30:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)