Restaurant Inspections 100% open

Boston, MA

What data is expected?

Outcomes of food safety inspections of restaurants and other similar providers of food to the public. This dataset helps protect public health by informing consumers about possible food safety concerns. (More info)

  • Date
  • Address
  • Establishment name
  • Outcome (pass/fail, letter grade, score, etc.)
  • Violations found (for places with violations)

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes
Available in bulk Yes
Up-to-date Yes
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge Yes
In an open format CSV
findable 3
findable_steps Googled boston food inspections. 5th item down was correct site -- It is called the Mayor's Food Court because they are trying to be hip. The search page ( is not that user friendly/doesn't allow for diff ways of searching.
licence_url ? ???????????
Collected by government Yes
usability 3
collector_name Inspectional services dept
characteristics Date, Address, Establishment name, Outcome (pass/fail, letter grade, score, etc.), Violations found (for places with violations)
location - Temporary Suspension of Permit, - Health dept, - Foodborne illness tracker, - Main page

Meta data

Data location - Temporary Suspension of Permit - Health dept - Foodborne illness tracker - Main page
Data licence   ?
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Merry Rutrick
Submitters   Merry Rutrick
Last modified   Sat Mar 03 2018 19:08:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)