Land use zone boundaries and zoning categories for parcels contained. Zoning ordinances typically regulate land use and building dimension for built improvements made on all properties within a city’s borders. As such, zoning impacts many aspects of our communities and daily lives — from the location of your local supermarket (and what you can purchase there) to the size and height of your home.
Having access to the mapped zones (GIS shapefiles or GeoJSON files) of designated permitted land uses in your city can help empower a better understanding of the forces shaping your community. Alternatively, the data might be provided in tabular format with an attribute giving location, such as a parcel ID. Either way, descriptions of allowed uses for each zone must be publicly available, often in a separate zoning regulations document. (More info)
Question | Answer | Comment |
Openly licensed | Yes | |
Available in bulk | Yes | |
Up-to-date | Yes | This data updates quarterly as well as when zoning changes are made. Quarterly is typically more frequent than when change are made. Zoning changes are relatively infrequent (variances are much more common). |
Available free online | Yes | |
Available free of charge | Yes | |
In an open format | DBF, SHP, SHX, XML | |
findable | 3 | |
findable_steps | I went to the CAGIS website (as directed by a quick google search for this data): one of the first links that pops up is "Free GIS download layers." I was able to follow this to download "CAGIS Quarterly Open Data," which contains the city's zoning layer. | |
licence_url | | |
Collected by government | Yes | |
usability | 2 | Easily readable in any software (free or licensed) that can ingest spatial data in one of these formats. |
collector_name | Cincinnati Area Geographic Information Systems (CAGIS) | For more information about CAGIS: |
characteristics | Zone location — the data should be either (1) a GIS shapefile or GeoJSON, or (2) a table with parcel IDs or addresses, Zone name/type (with accompanying descriptions of allowed uses in each zone) | Zone name/type is included in the data dictionary accompanying this data (it's not a field in the data itself). |
location | href=""">rel="nofollow"> - CAGIS Open Data/free GIS layer download link |