Parcel data is data on the geographic boundaries of property. Parcels are the most specific units of geodata that governments maintain. Because of their granularity, parcel data can be used for very detailed maps, visualizations, and all kinds of applications. (More info)
Question | Answer | Comment |
Openly licensed | Yes | |
Available in bulk | Yes | |
Up-to-date | Yes | |
Available free online | Yes | |
Available free of charge | Yes | |
In an open format | CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, SHP | |
findable | 4 | |
findable_steps | Searched for open data in Johns Creek via Google, found DataHub, searched for parcels, found the data. | |
licence_url | | |
Collected by government | Yes | |
usability | 3 | |
collector_name | City of Johns Creek, GA | |
characteristics | Parcel boundaries | |
location | - Johns Creek DataHub (open data portal) |