Parcel data is data on the geographic boundaries of property. Parcels are the most specific units of geodata that governments maintain. Because of their granularity, parcel data can be used for very detailed maps, visualizations, and all kinds of applications. (More info)
Question | Answer | Comment |
Openly licensed | Yes | |
Available in bulk | Yes | |
Up-to-date | Yes | As mentioned before, the County dataset (which includes all City parcels) is up to date, although the City dataset is almost a year old. |
Available free online | Yes | |
Available free of charge | Yes | |
In an open format | CSV, KML, SHP | |
findable | 4 | It's easy to find if you're on the LA City GeoHub. It's also one of the top Google results for "la city parcels" |
findable_steps | Went to and searched "parcels" | |
licence_url | | See the "License" category under "ABOUT" on the right hand side of the page |
Collected by government | Yes | |
usability | 3 | The data can be viewed directly on the GeoHub. If downloaded it is also available in an easy to use format. |
collector_name | Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor | |
characteristics | Parcel boundaries | |
location | href=""">rel="nofollow"> - LA City GeoHub | This is the page for LA County parcels. A separate page for City parcels is also available but is slightly out of date. |