Restaurant Inspections 100% open

Oakland, CA

What data is expected?

Outcomes of food safety inspections of restaurants and other similar providers of food to the public. This dataset helps protect public health by informing consumers about possible food safety concerns. (More info)

  • Date
  • Address
  • Establishment name
  • Outcome (pass/fail, letter grade, score, etc.)
  • Violations found (for places with violations)

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes Explicitly listed as "public domain" under the "About This Dataset" section in the sidebar on the main data page.
Available in bulk Yes
Up-to-date Yes From the county website: "The Alameda County Restaurant Inspection Results on this site are available no later than 14 days after the inspector's visit. Information presented in the search will include inspections made within the last year."
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge Yes
In an open format CSV, JSON, RDF, TSV, XLS, XML
findable 4
findable_steps I googled "Oakland, CA restaurant inspections" and immediately found the data as the very first search result at
licence_url Explicitly listed as "public domain" under the "About This Dataset" section in the sidebar on the main data page.
Collected by government Yes Data is collected by the Alameda County Environmental Health Food Safety Program, which covers the City of Oakland.
usability 3 By default, the complete data set is presented in an well-labeled spreadsheet format. It is easily filtered, navigated, exported, and visualized on a map (among other options).
collector_name Alameda County Environmental Health Food Safety Program
characteristics Date, Address, Establishment name, Outcome (pass/fail, letter grade, score, etc.), Violations found (for places with violations)
location href=""">rel="nofollow"> - Alameda County Restaurants Inspections complete results, broken down by restaurant., href=""">rel="nofollow"> - Alameda County Environmental Health Food Safety Program overview.

Meta data

Data location - Alameda County Restaurants Inspections complete results, broken down by restaurant. - Alameda County Environmental Health Food Safety Program overview.
Data licence
Data format   CSV, JSON, RDF, TSV, XLS, XML
Reviewer   anonymous
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Sat Mar 03 2018 19:43:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)