Zoning 78% open

Oakland, CA

What data is expected?

Land use zone boundaries and zoning categories for parcels contained. Zoning ordinances typically regulate land use and building dimension for built improvements made on all properties within a city’s borders. As such, zoning impacts many aspects of our communities and daily lives — from the location of your local supermarket (and what you can purchase there) to the size and height of your home.

Having access to the mapped zones (GIS shapefiles or GeoJSON files) of designated permitted land uses in your city can help empower a better understanding of the forces shaping your community. Alternatively, the data might be provided in tabular format with an attribute giving location, such as a parcel ID. Either way, descriptions of allowed uses for each zone must be publicly available, often in a separate zoning regulations document. (More info)

  • Zone location — the data should be either (1) a GIS shapefile or GeoJSON, or (2) a table with parcel IDs or addresses
  • Zone name/type (with accompanying descriptions of allowed uses in each zone)

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed No
Available in bulk Yes
Up-to-date Yes
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge Yes
In an open format CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, KML, KMZ
findable 3
findable_steps Search on the Oakland Data website
Collected by government Yes
usability 3
collector_name City of Oakland
characteristics Zone location — the data should be either (1) a GIS shapefile or GeoJSON, or (2) a table with parcel IDs or addresses
location href="https://data.oaklandnet.com/dataset/City-wide-Zoning-Map-current-version-v-2008-Eff200/2mz7-i9ud" https://data.oaklandnet.com/dataset/City-wide-Zoning-Ma">rel="nofollow">https://data.oaklandnet.com/dataset/City-wide-Zoning-Ma - Map

Meta data

Data location   https://data.oaklandnet.com/dataset/City-wide-Zoning-Ma - Map
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, KML, KMZ
Reviewer   Greg Jordan-Detamore
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Sat Mar 03 2018 20:25:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)