Property Transfers 44% open

Providence, RI

What data is expected?

Records about property sales, mortgages, and foreclosures. This data can help the public understand real-estate trends in their city, and can help keep owners of specific properties accountable to the community. (More info)

  • Address or location
  • Date
  • Amount of money involved
  • Type of record or transaction

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed No
Available in bulk No
Up-to-date Yes
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge No This third party system allows you to search for and view documents but you must pay in order to print copies o
In an open format AsciiDoc All of the documents are scans of physical files. While there is some metadata associated with the documents this is not exportable in bulk.
findable 3
findable_steps From the city's homepage navigate to the Recorder of Deed's homepage and follow the link the the land record's document database
Collected by government Yes
usability 1
collector_name City of Providence Recorder of Deeds
characteristics Address or location, Date, Amount of money involved, Type of record or transaction
location href=""">rel="nofollow"> - Providence Land Records Document Database

Meta data

Data location - Providence Land Records Document Database
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   AsciiDoc
Reviewer   Ivan mn
Submitters   Ivan mn
Last modified   Fri Feb 02 2018 14:01:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)