Parcel data is data on the geographic boundaries of property. Parcels are the most specific units of geodata that governments maintain. Because of their granularity, parcel data can be used for very detailed maps, visualizations, and all kinds of applications. (More info)
Question | Answer | Comment |
Openly licensed | Yes | |
Available in bulk | Yes | District of Columbia parcel data is comprised of numerous geographies including federal lands, DC lands, personal property, air rights and more. All are accessible individually however the Common Ownership Lots layer is considered a good primary source to begin working with. |
Up-to-date | Yes | |
Available free online | Yes | Freely available however option to create an ArcGIS Online account in order to build web maps using ArcGIS Online. |
Available free of charge | Yes | Freely available however option to create an ArcGIS Online account in order to build web maps using ArcGIS Online. |
In an open format | CSV, GeoJSON, KML, SHP | Also available as GeoService and OGC WMS |
findable | 4 | |
findable_steps | Search either keywords: lots, parcels, property, vector property mapping. | |
licence_url | | |
Collected by government | Yes | |
usability | 3 | |
collector_name | Government of the District of Columbia | Shared by the DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer who administers |
characteristics | Parcel boundaries | |
location | - District of Columbia Open Data DC, - District of Columbia Open Data DC | DC's complex urban environment includes numerous geographies that identify federal government lands, reservations, District lands, personal property and so much more. This Open Data DC site helps identify how DC lot data is organized and key points on their relationships. The Common Ownership Lots is considered a primary dataset to begin working with. The layer is built from the various lot types in the District. The common ownership dataset is conflated by Square, Suffix and Lot to include: Air Rights, Record, Parcel, Tax and Reservation lots. Some Parcels and Reservations fall outside of a Square’s boundary. |