Property Transfers 100% open

Washington, DC

What data is expected?

Records about property sales, mortgages, and foreclosures. This data can help the public understand real-estate trends in their city, and can help keep owners of specific properties accountable to the community. (More info)

  • Address or location
  • Date
  • Amount of money involved
  • Type of record or transaction

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes
Available in bulk Yes
Up-to-date Yes The ITSPE data is updated via ETL, weekly.
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge Yes Freely available however option to create an ArcGIS Online account in order to build web maps using ArcGIS Online.
In an open format CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, SHP
findable 3
findable_steps search keywords property, sales, tax, assessments
Collected by government Yes Government of the District of Columbia
usability 3 There are some tables that would need to be related.
collector_name Government of the District of Columbia Shared by the DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer who administers The data comes from originating agencies: Office of Tax and Revenue, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, and Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.
characteristics Address or location, Date, Amount of money involved
location - ITSPE Property Sales, - ITSPE - All Fields, - ITSPE Vacant Properties, - ITSPE Tax Rate Codes, - ITSPE Mixed Tax Types, - ITS Data Dictionary, - Property Lots Open Data Page - Informationl, - Changes in Lots Open Data Page - Informational Data for property sales comes from the Office of Tax and Revenue. This includes appraised value (prior and current), tax rates, type of property, last sale date, last sale price and deed date. There is no mortgage or foreclosure data. Adding related data for vacant properties, usecodes, tax rate codes and mixed type codes. For informational purposes including descriptive narratives as web pages (remove if not appropriate).

Meta data

Data location - ITSPE Property Sales - ITSPE - All Fields - ITSPE Vacant Properties - ITSPE Tax Rate Codes - ITSPE Mixed Tax Types - ITS Data Dictionary - Property Lots Open Data Page - Informationl - Changes in Lots Open Data Page - Informational
Data licence
Data format   CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, SHP
Reviewer   Greg Jordan-Detamore
Submitters   Alexandre Santos
Last modified   Fri Mar 16 2018 13:22:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)