Public Facilities 100% open

Washington, DC

What data is expected?

Locations of all buildings and land owned by the local government. This information is useful for several reasons. It provides basic information to residents and taxpayers about where government functions and services are located and what land and buildings are owned by the city. It also helps keep local government accountable as a responsible manager and steward of its real estate portfolio. (More info)

  • Address
  • Department or agency
  • Name, type, or description

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes
Available in bulk Yes
Up-to-date Yes Each layer has its own update cycle however yes at least yearly.
Available free online Yes Freely available however option to create an ArcGIS Online account in order to build web maps using ArcGIS Online.
Available free of charge Yes Freely available however option to create an ArcGIS Online account in order to build web maps using ArcGIS Online.
In an open format CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, KML, SHP
findable 4
findable_steps There are several keywords to search with including District lands, public service, facilities, education. District of Columbia Open Data DC
Collected by government Yes
usability 3
collector_name Government of the District of Columbia Shared by the DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer who administers
characteristics Address, Department or agency, Name, type, or description
location - District Government Lands Owned Operated or Managed, - Triangles and Medians, - Human Services Locations, - DMV Service Locations, - Public Housing Areas, - Department of Human Services Locations, - Youth Rehabilitation Centers, - Correctional and Halfway Houses, - Parks and Recreation Areas, - Recreation Facilities, - Charter Schools, - Cooling Centers, - Public Schools, - Public School Grounds, - District Lands from the Real Property Tax Administration District Government Lands Owned Operated or Managed and District Lands from the Real Property Tax Administration are good layers to begin although it is not all inclusive. This is why other layers are included here. District of Columbia Open Data DC.

Meta data

Data location - District Government Lands Owned Operated or Managed - Triangles and Medians - Human Services Locations - DMV Service Locations - Public Housing Areas - Department of Human Services Locations - Youth Rehabilitation Centers - Correctional and Halfway Houses - Parks and Recreation Areas - Recreation Facilities - Charter Schools - Cooling Centers - Public Schools - Public School Grounds - District Lands from the Real Property Tax Administration
Data licence
Data format   CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, KML, SHP
Reviewer   Alexandre Santos
Submitters   Alexandre Santos
Last modified   Wed Feb 28 2018 16:55:46 GMT+0000 (UTC)