Traffic Crashes 100% open

Washington, DC

What data is expected?

Data on all motor-vehicle-related crashes. This should include crashes with pedestrians and bicyclists (which may or may not be divided into multiple datasets). Please note: This dataset refers to data on specific incidents, not monthly or annual totals. Data on where and when crashes are occuring is crucial for both measuring street safety and figuring out where interventions are needed. (More info)

  • Date
  • Time (may be approximate)
  • Location
  • Type, description, or charges
  • Injuries? (yes or no)
  • Fatalities? (yes or no)

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes
Available in bulk Yes
Up-to-date Yes Data to be updated daily as crashes are reported to the system.
Available free online Yes Freely available however option to create an ArcGIS Online account in order to build web maps using ArcGIS Online.
Available free of charge Yes Freely available however option to create an ArcGIS Online account in order to build web maps using ArcGIS Online.
In an open format CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, KML, SHP
findable 4
findable_steps Search keyword crashes in District of Columbia Open Data DC
Collected by government Yes Shared by the DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer who administers
usability 3
collector_name Government of the District of Columbia Shared by the DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer who administers
characteristics Date, Time (may be approximate), Location, Type, description, or charges, Injuries? (yes or no), Fatalities? (yes or no)
location - Crashes in DC, - Crash Details Table Crashes on the street center line network of Washington, DC maintained by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). In addition to locations, a related table consisting of crash details is available for each crash. This table provides some anonymized information about each of the persons involved in the crash (linked by CrimeID). Note that the CrimeID field is simply a unique id field within MPD crash database. It does not denote that a crime was committed. A companion table for the Crashes in DC layer. This is a related table linked by field attribution, CrimeID. Note, the CrimeID field is simply a unique identification field within Metropolitan Police Department's crash database. It does not denote that a crime was committed.

Meta data

Data location - Crashes in DC - Crash Details Table
Data licence
Data format   CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, KML, SHP
Reviewer   Alexandre Santos
Submitters   Alexandre Santos
Last modified   Tue Feb 27 2018 18:36:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)