Service Requests 100% open

Baltimore, MD

What data is expected?

Non-emergency service requests (which some cities facilitate by dialing 3-1-1), covering issues such as graffiti, broken traffic lights, noise complaints, parking law enforcement, and potholes. Open service request data provides transparency about what types of requests are being requested and where, as well as how quickly requests are resolved. For Census purposes, service request data should at a minimum include: request type, responsible city department, location, and when the service was requested and fulfilled. (More info)

  • Date received
  • Location
  • Type or description
  • Status (open, closed, etc.)

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes
Available in bulk Yes
Up-to-date Yes Last update was within 24 hours of current date/time, but no explicit statement of frequency of updates are listed.
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge Yes
In an open format CSV, JSON, RDF, TSV, XML
findable 4
findable_steps I searched Google for Baltimore 311 open data and viewed the dataset on the Open Baltimore data portal.
licence_url Licensing and Attribution on the "About the Dataset" of Socrata state CC-By 3.0 and link to ( The open data portal Terms of Use more clearly state: "Data Policy. OpenBaltimore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. By using data made available through OpenBaltimore, the user agrees to the conditions stated above."
Collected by government Yes Available via Socrata open data portal of Baltimore
usability 2 Some cleaning needed as there is varying formats to Zipcode, Many entries have missing entries have missing/empty values in LastActivity, Outcome, DueDate, GeoLocation.
collector_name Baltimore Mayor's Office of Information Technology
characteristics Date received, Location, Type or description, Status (open, closed, etc.) Lacks detailed field descriptions, but column titles and contents are fairly clear.
location - Socrata page for 311 dataset landing page , - Socrata page for 311 dataset data view Both landing page and data view lack a description of the dataset origin or collection methods.

Meta data

Data location - Socrata page for 311 dataset landing page - Socrata page for 311 dataset data view
Data licence
Data format   CSV, JSON, RDF, TSV, XML
Reviewer   Jonathan Brier
Submitters   Jonathan Brier
Last modified   Sun Mar 11 2018 17:25:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)