Property Assessment 83% open

Chattanooga, TN

What data is expected?

Data about assessed property values including location, assessed value, taxes owed, and owner. Many US cities raise a substantial percentage of annual revenue via property tax assessment. Transparent public access to property assessment data helps keep city tax assessors accountable, allowing property owners to see how their property has been assessed relative to other parcels and providing explanatory context for property taxes owed and/or helping to justify appeals to assessments perceived to be unfair. Property assessment data also helps the public keep property owners accountable. (More info)

  • Location (may be an address or parcel number)
  • Land area
  • Property details (type, use, units, description, and/or built improvements, etc.)
  • Assessed value
  • Taxes owed
  • Property owner

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes
Available in bulk No
Up-to-date Yes
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge Yes
In an open format HTML
findable 4
licence_url Link trail leads to which links to that at left. difficult to follow.
Collected by government Yes
usability 1
collector_name Hamilton County
characteristics Location (may be an address or parcel number), Property details (type, use, units, description, and/or built improvements, etc.), Assessed value, Taxes owed, Property owner
location -

Data can't be downloaded. Data not available in txt format. Open Data license hard to find, harder to read.

Meta data

Data location
Data licence
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Walker Hamilton
Submitters   Melinda Harris
Last modified   Mon Mar 12 2018 13:51:32 GMT+0000 (UTC)