Business Listings 33% open

Cleveland, OH

What data is expected?

Business listings provide a directory of all licensed businesses in the municipal area, including key information such as name, address, contact information, and business type. This dataset can be a useful tool for tracking city economic activity and holding businesses accountable for good corporate citizenship. (More info)

  • Business name
  • Business address
  • Contact information
  • Business type

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed No no license specified for permitcleveland; the diversitycompliance explicited said "The information provided in this file is not to be used for unsolicited advertising, spam, or any other unauthorized use." without declaring what unauthorized was (this was in the csv results of the file downloaded)
Available in bulk No no noticeable way to download the data (unless you scrape it?) (for the site); diversi
Up-to-date Yes There are results of applications that were submitted today.
Available free online No the required registration; diversitycompliance did not
Available free of charge Yes
In an open format
findable 1 required a fair amount of google searching, luck, and some bookmarks that I luckily had saved.
findable_steps searched for "business records", "business license" found no relevant results; was frustrated... (cont in comments) did more searching, and I honestly forget how I ended up finding which then required me to register.
Collected by government Yes
usability 1
collector_name Division of assessments and licenses, to my knowledge.
online_otherwise Yes
characteristics Business name, Business type On the permit site: Usage is quite limited; you're able to input a businesses name, address, type of license, and other characteristics to see if a permit has been issued (this is helpful) But the results only display the name, the date of application was made, and the status; so if you intended to obtain a list of all registered barbershops, you'll have a list of their license numbers and when their application was approved, and their name (which isn't always filled in). and you can't download any of it. on the diversity site, all information [name, location, contact information, type of licensing given, types of classification awarded to business regarding diversity] is included which is helpful, but it's a very small number of businesses.
location - , href=""">rel="nofollow"> - Certification and Compliance Reporting System (3rd party, contracted out by city) is specifically for CSB/MBE/FBE/LGBTBE and Section 3 Businesses
there is however a list of businesses that are registered with the city as CSB/MBE/FBE/LGBTBE and Section 3 Businesses this is available at

Meta data

Data location - Certification and Compliance Reporting System (3rd party, contracted out by city)
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Open Cleveland
Submitters   Open Cleveland
Last modified   Wed Oct 16 2019 19:07:57 GMT+0000 (UTC)