Crime Reports 100% open

Louisville/Jefferson County, KY

What data is expected?

Open crime data helps communities make informed judgements about public safety, as well as providing transparency into how local police power is being exercised. For U.S. City Open Data Census purposes, crime report data should include at a minimum the following elements: date, time, location, incident type, and narrative information — best would be exact date, location, and type of crime, but per day per street or postal/zip code are acceptable for Census purposes. (More info)

  • Date and time
  • Location (may be coordinates or addresses; addresses may be at the block level, such as “5XX Main Street”)
  • Incident type
  • Narrative information

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licensed Yes
Available in bulk Yes Broken out by year 2003-2018, or there is a Download All option.
Up-to-date Yes Updated nightly, and the data has a 3 day lag as it gets processed internally and then made available for release.
Available free online Yes
Available free of charge Yes
In an open format CSV
findable 4
findable_steps A Google search for "louisville crime data" brings it up as the first result. Searching for "crime" or "crime reports" on the open data site brings it up on the first page.
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 Data is at the block level but does not include latitude and longitude. Mapping requires geocoding at the block level which can be challenging to new users. The city is working to include fuzzed lat/lon.
collector_name LMPD as part of Louisville Metro
characteristics Date and time, Location (may be coordinates or addresses; addresses may be at the block level, such as “5XX Main Street”), Incident type Narrative is not included because of privacy concerns, and narratives also could include social security, credit card, birth dates, names and more that would have to be scrubbed.
location - Data goes from 2002-2018 updated nightly.
Crime report data is cross linked to 6 other data sets on the website. Eg: INCIDENT_NUMBER links these data sets together: CITATION_CONTROL_NUMBER links these data sets together:

Meta data

Data location - Data goes from 2002-2018 updated nightly.
Data licence
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Data Officer
Submitters   Data Officer
Last modified   Fri Feb 16 2018 14:48:16 GMT+0000 (UTC)