Employee Salaries 0% open

Prince George's County, MD

What data is expected?

Annual salary information including base pay and overtime pay for all active, permanent employees. Employee salary data show the public how individual staff positions are compensated, and help taxpayers hold city staff accountable for the work the are paid to do. Transparent publication of this dataset can also identify and disincentivize corrupt hiring or compensation in government.

Note that some cities may list only directors and high-level employee salaries. This will not fulfill the requirement for Employee Salaries data for Census purposes. (More info)

  • Employee full name
  • Department
  • Position title
  • Base salary or wages
  • Overtime

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available free online No The only data available online are PDF reviews of the leadership and boards in the county as part of the compensation review: https://pgccouncil.us/579/Compensation-Review-Board Additionally there are PDF salary ranges for Corrections Officals, Fire Officials, General Schedule, Police Officials, and Sherrif Officials under Human Resources Managmenet Wages & Benefits of Non-Union Employees https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/555/Wages-Benefits-for-Non-Union-Employees.
In an open format
Collected by government Yes Human Resources do Prince George's County Maryland would need to have all this information for payroll.
collector_name Human Resources Management Reviews of the County Executive and Council members is conducted by the Compensation Review Board.
online_otherwise No My best understanding is a FOIA request would be needed to collect this information. There is no indication that the information is otherwise available under a standard request.
I spend twenty minutes navigating all finance related sections of the PG County website as well as the Socrata open data portal and Google searches. This is the extent of what I found related to finance of employees.

Meta data

Data location   Unknown
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Jonathan Brier
Submitters   Jonathan Brier
Last modified   Sun Mar 04 2018 23:22:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)