Non-emergency service requests (which some cities facilitate by dialing 3-1-1), covering issues such as graffiti, broken traffic lights, noise complaints, parking law enforcement, and potholes. Open service request data provides transparency about what types of requests are being requested and where, as well as how quickly requests are resolved. For Census purposes, service request data should at a minimum include: request type, responsible city department, location, and when the service was requested and fulfilled. (More info)
Question | Answer | Comment |
Openly licensed | No | Dataset on Socrata states: "The license for this dataset is unspecified" Terms of service and use on fails to state any public domain or other license. It also links to which does not resolve. Requires use of a disclaimer on their website about the data. Required disclaimer: “The datasets, maps, and charts (the “Data”) made available for use, and download, through the website has been modified for use from its original source, which is Prince George’s County, Maryland (the “County”). Neither the County or its agencies make any claims as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or content of any Data contained in or obtained from the website. THE COUNTY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE DATA.MYPGC.US WEBSITE AND ALL DATA FURNISHED THEREIN AND/OR OBTAINED THEREFROM. The Data is subject to modification and possible deletion as changes occur. It is understood that the Data and information contained in the website and web application is being used at one’s own risk.” |
Available in bulk | No | Split between two downloads based on service provider. County Click 311 - Motorola provide the most recent while 2012-2016 is in the County Click 311 - QAlert dataset on Socrata. |
Up-to-date | Yes | Updated daily |
Available free online | Yes | Available to download from Socrata website without an account. |
Available free of charge | Yes | |
In an open format | CSV, JSON, RDF, TSV, XML | Data formats offered as Download As on Socrata. |
findable | 3 | While located on Socrata it was a bit confusing to locate the entire 311 dataset since they are split between two and the naming convention under the 311 data has multiple visualizations which are included making identifying the data source versus visualization a bit of work. |
findable_steps | After Googleing 311 and looking at the PG county open data site I opened all 311 data and noticed many of the datas were derived visualization from only two data sets of historical and current service provider. | Had to open all the datas tagged with 311 to determine the source were only two actual data sets and the rest of the results on Socrata are derived visualizations and analysis of the two datasets from QAlert and Motorola. |
Collected by government | Yes | Data is stated to be provided by Motorola/PGPD which I assume stands for the Motorola and Prince George's Police Department. |
usability | 3 | No significant variations in the data present, appears clean on brief scan. Minor TNI Area Description delimiter variation of / vs -. |
collector_name | Motorola and PGPD (assuming Prince George's Police Department) | While Socrata states data is provided by Motorola/PGPD the 311/Constituent Services Division is located under the Community Relations > Services > 311/Constituent Services Division on the Prince George's County Maryland website. |
characteristics | Date received, Location, Type or description, Status (open, closed, etc.) | The Requests are of categorical types. Location types are: Street address and coordinates |
location | - Socrata based County Click 311 by Motorola March 17, 2017 - present landing page, - Socrata based County Click 311 by Motorola March 17, 2017 - present data view, - Socrata based County Click 311 by Motorola 2012 - 2016 , - Socrata based County Click 311 by Motorola 2012 - 2016 data view landing page | As stated in Socrata data the 311 data for 2012-2016 was collected by QAlert while going forward they are being collected by Motorola stored in a separate dataset. |